Wednesday, March 11, 2009

droppin classes

I think my previous post needs a nice little wrap-up. My school decided that despite my doctor's note and my almost perfect attendance record AND the fact that all the students at my adult school love me....they still wanted to fine me.

So I did what any self respecting, prideful NYer would do....I wrote them an email the next day saying I would be dropping half of my current class load. Maybe it was a bit of a rash decision, but you can't treat employees like that. My decision was only made easier when my director told me that the sub they found for my TOEFL class on Saturday wasn't as good and that right after the class all of the students complained to the director that I was a better teacher. Xie Xie.
But the point remains, if I am such a good teacher, why treat me in such a demeaning way? Why fine me even though I have a doctor's note and have never been absent before? Not a smart way to run a business.
In one month I'll drop half my classes. I still have my kid's school (which gives me my ARC, health insurance and actually treats me really well) I'll be ok money wise. This will give me more time to study Chinese (the only thing that will benefit me when I get back to the States) and try to find some private tutoring. After discussing it with my roommate, I realized that I could easily make up the lost wages from the adult school by doing private TOEFL toturing. There are cram schools everywhere....and I think if I just stand outside one of them handing out fliers...I should be able to get some private students. I could probably spend one night handing flyers outside of any number of cram schools and hopefully get a few an added incentive I'll offer the first hour half price. And since I've got my ARC with my kids school, I still have a garunteed income if I can't find students. I know what I'm doing now and can pretty much teach any I figure I'll charge the same rate I was getting paid at the adult school (which is about half as much as students have to pay to take classes in a cram school) and then I can get some students.

In other news Taiwan (or Chinese Taipei as they must be called when playing in international sporting events....thank China for that one) lost in the World Baseball classic in humilating fashion. First losing to Korea 9-0 and then losing to (of all countries) China 4-1. Also the 7-11 on my corner just closed down....not sure which is worse, but regardless it is a sad time in Taiwan ...



Unknown said...

a thoroughly confident and focused viani. a far cry from your first scared and confused days in Taipei.

btw im enjoying the updates but now I see that the 3 updates in March so far bring you up to your average per month.. i say keep going, keep writing, don't stop.

Brian said...

Thanks buddy...I know you've been a faithful follower and commenter since the beginning...not just hopping on the Viani bandwagon recently....will update more for sure